
Thursday, March 2, 2017


Our planet is simply amazing.
Viewed by someone not from our world, it could be seen as one big, finely tuned and ultimately incredible machine.

Lots of cogs, pullies and wheels (animals, plants and environments) working together. Depending on each other in so many ways. Creating a green, blue healthy world that you, us, everyone depends on.
For food, fuel, medicine and other essentials that we simply cannot live without.
Sure this machine can take some knocks and bruises.
It can bounce back.
Stretch. Adapt. Mend.
It is part of what makes it  so marvelous.
But we're beginning to pull and stretch it further than it has ever been stretched before.
We're entering unknown territory  where some of the extinctions we are causing may have deep and profound effects on how we live our lives.
In the grand time scale of our planet, these effects may be currently seen as the equivalent of storm clouds gathering on the horizon. 
But rest assured, the storm is coming.
Unless we learn to start loving and caring for what our planet already gives us.

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